Isolation and Connection

Stefanie at the New York reading.
Stefanie at the New York reading.

In my last blog post, I referred to the isolation of the writing process, and the connection I seek in sharing my writing with others. I am often surprised that I choose to spend so many hours in my week sitting by myself in front of the computer screen, given that I’m a fairly extroverted and social person. Sometimes it seems to me that my whole purpose in life is to connect with others, and so it’s odd that I spend so much time alone. When I get a chance to share my work, it is particularly gratifying to me, especially when other people are kind enough to let me know my words have resonated in some significant way for them.

Stefanie at the New York reading.
Stefanie at the New York reading.

In the week leading up to Thanksgiving, I had the opportunity to share one of my stories, “Venus de Madre,” at a reading hosted by Storyscape Journal. The audience was attentive and generous, and I was grateful for the fullness of the silence in the room as I read aloud.

Afterward, the program organizer told me she wished her own mother had been there to hear my story of an empty nester struggling to find her own narrative outside of motherhood. A poet said she had no children of her own, but found the story resonated for her as well.

This opening up a dialogue among people with varying perspectives and interests is exactly what I love about fiction.

Amidst the imagined characters, setting and plot, we can find a psychological truth that may be felt, shared, explored by many. Even when our experiences are different, even when our life situations vary, we can honor one another’s most human moments of searching, struggle and discovery. That’s how we get to really see one another.

I would love to connect with you. Please feel free to comment on my stories or blog—each has a “comment” box.




  1. Whatever you write, story or blog, makes me stop to think and appreciate life and relationships. Your ability to share in writing is an enormous gift to us all. Please keep it coming…

  2. Beautiful post, Stefanie, as always. Creating meaningful connections is what it’s all about, and one of the reasons I enjoy reading.

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